

This website contains information about Blue Creek Capital Management Limited  (“Blue Creek Capital”, “we” “us” or “our” ) and the products, services and/or funds offered by us. This website is not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where the availability of this website is prohibited and any such persons to whom any prohibition applies must not access the website. The information provided on this website is also not intended for distribution to, or for use by, any person/entity in any country/jurisdiction that would subject Blue Creek Capital or any of its affiliates to any registration requirement within such country/jurisdiction. By accessing this website, you represent and warrant that you are not in breach of any applicable laws and/or regulations of any jurisdictions relevant to you. Blue Creek Capital and its affiliates disclaim all responsibility if you view, access or download any information from this website which is in breach of any law or regulation of the country in which you are a citizen or in which you are resident or domiciled.

Our website and its contents are for informational purposes only and nothing on this website, including any information or materials accessible in any password protected areas, should be construed as providing any type of investment or other advice to you, nor should you consider it as a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer to you to purchase or sell any products, services and/or funds offered by Blue Creek Capital. This website and its content are not intended to be a complete description of all terms and conditions applicable to the products, services and/or funds described in this website. Furthermore, the contents of this website do not have any regard to the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any specific person, and are not sufficient to form a basis for deciding to make any investment and does not contain material information regarding the products, services and/or funds offered by Blue Creek Capital, including specific information pertaining to an investment in the funds and important risk disclosures.

Although we endeavor to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, the information is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind. There is no representation as to its accuracy, completeness, or fairness. Blue Creek Capital expressly disclaims any liability relating to the information on this website, including any expressed or implied representations or warranties for statements or errors in, or omissions therefrom. Opinions and information are subject to change without notice. None of the information on this website have been reviewed by any regulatory authority; any representation to the contrary is an offense.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and Blue Creek Capital does not guarantee the performance of any of its products, services and/or funds, any specific rate of return or the return of investor capital. Investment involves risk and you may not rely on the information contained in this website to evaluate the merits of investing in any of our products, services and/or funds. Nothing in this website constitutes accounting, legal, regulatory, tax, financial or other advice. Recipients should form their own assessment and take independent professional advice on the suitability and merits of investment and the legal, regulatory, tax and investment consequences and risks of doing so. Blue Creek Capital and its affiliates do not accept any responsibility to any person for the consequences of any person placing reliance on the information within this website for any purpose.

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Any information on this Website relating to Blue Creek is intended for use only by persons who qualify as a Professional Investor (see below paragraph for more details) and Blue Creek prohibits any person other than a Professional Investor from accessing any services offered by it.

Blue Creek Capital is licensed with the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) in Hong Kong (CE number: BOS738) to conduct Type 9 (Asset Management) regulated activity and files as an Exempt Reporting Adviser with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) (CRD number: 313682). Materials on this website are not for distribution to retail clients. No other affiliate of Blue Creek Capital is currently licensed or regulated by any regulatory body. The funds offered by Blue Creek Capital are currently not authorized or registered with any regulatory body. Blue Creek Capital does not provide investment advisory services to the public and nothing contained in this website should be construed as an offer of such services. The information you are accessing is available in Hong Kong, available only to, professional investors as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571, the laws of Hong Kong) (the “SFO”) and its subsidiary legislation, and the Securities and Futures (Professional Investor) Rules. Any resident of Hong Kong accessing this website hereby certifies that it is a professional investor. The information is also available in the United States, only to “accredited investors,” as defined in Rule 501(a) of Regulation D of the United States Securities Act of 1933, and “qualified purchasers” as defined under the U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940. Any resident of the United States accessing this website hereby certifies that it is an accredited investor and/or qualified purchaser. By accessing the password-protected area of this website, you agree to contact Blue Creek Capital immediately if there is any change in your status as a professional investor, accredited investor or qualified purchaser, as applicable.

If you are in any doubt about any of the information contained in this website including the contents of this Important Notice, please consult independent professional advice first.

Privacy Policy & Use of Personal Data

Blue Creek Capital Management Limited (“Blue Creek Capital”, “we” “us” or “our”) takes our investors’ personal privacy very seriously

When you visit our website, Blue Creek Capital may collect personal data about you, either directly (where you are asked to provide the data) or indirectly. Your personal data will be transmitted and stored in a protected environment. We will only use this personal data in accordance with the purposes set forth in this Privacy Statement and we are committed to safeguarding the personal information collected.

This statement sets out the purposes of Blue Creek Capital’s data processing with respect to this website and how it affects your rights regarding your personal data.

Blue Creek Capital may use information you have given us to conduct its business, to inform and make available products and services that may be of interest to you and for the development of website statistics. The information you provide will be used to contact you when necessary, e.g. to notify you about functionality changes to the website and to offer services that you may find helpful (provided you have not opted out to receive such services).

Data held by Blue Creek Capital relating to you will be kept confidential and not disclosed to third-parties other than those which Blue Creek Capital has engaged in order to provide services to you or to Blue Creek Capital. Under limited circumstances, your personal data may be disclosed to certain other third-parties only where we are compelled to do so for legal or regulatory purposes (e.g. in response to any relevant regulatory laws or law enforcement authorities). We will not use your personal data for any other purposes without your prior consent.

Blue Creek Capital will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary for the purpose for which the data is used and for which is needed to comply with any applicable laws and regulations. You have the right to check whether Blue Creek Capital holds data about you, and access any such data; be informed of the kind of personal data held by us; and request for correction of any inaccurate data relating to you.

Should you wish to submit a request to opt out of receiving information on our services, or to request for access to data and/or correction of data, such communication can be addressed to the Data Protection Officer in writing using the following:

The Data Protection Officer Company Name :
Blue Creek Capital Management Limited
Office address : Rm 1, 5/F, United Center, 95 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong

This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information we will notify you by posting an announcement on our website.